いつも心は虹色に! nikkieです。
手伝っていたPlone Conf 2018併設イベント「Python Web Day」は全プログラム終了しました。
Hello, Everyone! This is nikkie.
"Python Web Day" has finished all programs.
I try to write the report in Japanese and English.
前提(About nikkie)
- ソフトウェアエンジニア3年目 (3rd year software engineer)
- Pythonでは半年程度のWeb開発の経験あり (web development with Python about half of a year)
- Ploneは未経験(先日vagrantで環境構築してみました)(novice about Plone. I tried creating an environment with vagrant)
PloneConfの併設イベントPython Web Dayに携わっています。
— nikkie (@ftnext) 2018年10月25日
vagrantが立ち上がったら **シェルスクリプトを実行する** pic.twitter.com/xXEcnjAbYB
- 英語は読むことが多く、話そうとすると言葉に詰まりがちです。(I often read English. I do not speak and write much)
With the help of many people, I was able to run Python Web Day.
Thank you very much, especially @terapyon, @takanory, @mamix1116, @kaizumaki.
イベントの概要 (About Python Web Day)
Python製のCMS Ploneについての国際カンファレンスです。
「Python Web Day」はWebについて話す併設イベントです。 @mamix1116さん(Django Girlsのオーガナイザー)のサポートとして、10月から手伝っていました。
#ploneconf2018 is an international conference about Plone.
We have additional tracks so participants from overseas can know activities of engineers in Japan and interact with each other.
Python Web Day is an additional Track on 7 Nov.
I was helping in the operation from October as a support of @mamix1116, the organizer of Django Girls in Japan,
It got excited at the topic "Where did you come from?"
So many people came from Europe!
And many people have participated more than 3 times!
- Ploneは5.2でPython3対応。今週アルファリリース (Plone 5.2 will be released this week. It supports Python 3)
- フルスクラッチで作り直してPython3対応しようとしているのがGillotina (Gillotina is an attempt to support Python 3 from scratch)
- PloneとReactの組合せとしてvoltoを知った (volto for combination of Plone and React) ref: https://training.plone.org/5/volto/index.html
Zope=ゴジラ、「Difficult to Kill」で会場大爆笑でした。
A huge laugh happened at the topic Zope = Godzilla, "Difficult to Kill".
#ploneconf2018 うける pic.twitter.com/vZcpf73cOC
— Hiroki KIYOHARA (@hirokiky) 2018年11月7日
バトンタッチしたPaulさん(Plone FoundationのChair)からPython Web Dayモデレータとして紹介いただくという素敵なサプライズもありました!
There was also a nice surprise that Paul introduced @mamix1116 and me as moderators of Python Web Day!
The conference talks will be uploaded to YouTube later.
以下、Python Web Dayのトークを紹介します。
I introduce talks of Python Web Day.
Build a RESTful API with the Serverless Framework
- AWSではAWS API GatewayとAWS LambdaでAPIを作れる(We can create a API in AWS with AWS API Gateway and AWS Lambda)
- Serverless Frameworkを導入すると1コマンドでデプロイできる(We can deploy with 1 command using Serverless Framework)
- プラグインを使うとデプロイしやすくなる(Plugins of Serverless Framework make deploy easier)
Azure Functionsで使ってみたいと思いました。
I want to try Serverless Framework with Azure Functions.
Building a REST API with Django and Django REST Framework
- REST APIを一から作るのは大変なので、フレームワークを使う(It is hard to create a REST API from scratch, so we use a framework)
- 「Django REST Frameworkを使いこなすにはSerializerが肝」と感じた(It seems for me that Serializer is important to master Django REST Framework)
Powerful geographic web framework GeoDjango
I have heard of GeoDjango, but I have never touched it.
It certainly seems easy to handle geographic information.
I will try the tutorial that I taught. (@mamix1116 loves GeoDjango)
GeoDjango Tutorial | Django documentation | Django
Sphinx customization for OGP support
Sphinx ExtensionでのOGPタグの生成ロジックを聞いて、少しOGPの理解が深まったと感じています。
I feel that my understanding of OGP has improved a bit, listening to the generation logic of OGP tags in Sphinx Extension.
I'd like to try :linenos:
introduced in LT about Sphinx.
How to make the fastest Router in Python
GitHub - kwatch/router-sample: sample Router classes in Python
- Linear search is slow
- Regex search is fast(ただし工夫は必要 But need some ingenuity)
- State Machine approach is the fastest
I was glad to hear about implementation with processing with a small calculation cost (for fastest router).
Micro Service Architecture with Machine Learning Application
GitHub - Swall0w/microservice-ml-demo: Micro service architecture using rest API
- モデルをデプロイしやすくために、Flaskアプリケーションから切り出す(Separate a model from a Flask application to make deploy easier)
- クライアントとFlaskアプリケーション間はREST API (REST API is used between a client and the Flask application)
- FlaskアプリケーションとML Model間がgRPC (gRPC is used between the Flask application and the model)
Thank you for reading.
I will add a talk note link later. (I'm also planning to write an event preparation summary blog.)
I would be happy if you could tell me if there are unnatural English expressions.
Python Web Day has finished all programs!
— nikkie (@ftnext) 2018年11月7日
Thank you very much for Speakers, listeners and staffs.
Please enjoy #ploneconf2018 and another additional tracks.